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Section II


Last updated February 17, 2023

General Information

The Constitution may not be changed without KPASS Principal Approval.

The Kanto Plain Association of Secondary Schools (KPASS) entrusts KPASS Athletic Directors (KPAD) of member high schools to deliver an annual program of athletic contests and competitions through a sports organization referred to as the Kanto Plain League (KPL). KPAD are authorized to make updates and changes to AD Manual without principal approval but changes should be made and implemented based on majority vote.  Changes and updates should be made considering all members of the group.  


Full Member schools:



Sacred Heart


St. Mary’s

St. Maur

Kinnick, Dodea


Yokota, Dodea

Zama, Dodea


Associate Member schools:



Note: Games, matches or meets are referred to as fixtures

Section II: About
  1. Kanto Plain Rules and Regulations

a. KPASSP Sportsmanship Goals (see appendix 1: IRAR IV)

b. Sports follow the rules and guidelines found in Part 2 of the constitution.  

c. Schools with only 1 team are assumed to play the varsity schedule.  If the school determines that the team comprises athletes that are not skilled enough,  they can bring the request to the KPAD team to be approved that they play the JV schedule.  

d. Student Eligibility (see appendix 2: IRAR V for detailed rules)

i. Seniors will not participate in junior varsity competition, unless a waiver has been granted by the KPAD and the school.   

ii. Individual dual participation in a season is not allowed in all league sports.

iii. A player on the varsity team may not play* in a JV game (boys and girls) after these dates:  (*entering a player in the Varsity scorebook is considered as “has played).

                                                 Fall season: October 1

                                                 Winter season: January 1

                                                 Spring Season: April 1

iiii. If a student is ejected from a game for bad behavior or negligence of rules in a league fixture, that student is not allowed to play in the next regular league fixture. 

e. Coaches should have the same expectations and consequences as students when sent out of a game/match.  If a coach is ejected from a game for bad behavior or negligence of rules, then it is also extended to the next regular league fixture.  

f. Penalties for violation of the athletic rules and regulations adopted by the KPAD and their spirit and intent, will be in accord with recommendations of the KPAD to the KPASS Principals.  Penalty for violation of rules may include forfeiture of eligibility for a sport season or a year, or if the offense is extreme, for the remainder of a student’s high school career.  Any school that violates any of the eligibility rules or regulations may be suspended for further competition with member schools for a period of one to three years in that contest in which the infraction occurred.  The minimum penalty is forfeiture of the contest.

g. If referees or umpires fail to arrive, every effort should be made by the schools involved to use available people to referee or umpire.  If no agreement can be reached, the contest will be rescheduled at the original site.

 h. “Black Out Dates”:  Due to the numbers of students involved, There are 4 KPASS Fine Arts dates each year during which no KPASS Sports are scheduled:  Speech (Nov.), Vocal Solo & Ensemble (Nov.), Instrumental Solo & Ensemble (Feb.), and Honor Concert (Band or Choir - March).  Non-KPASS sports or events are not included in these “Black Out Dates”.  

i. It is strongly recommended that high school teams not participate until they have practiced a minimum of ten practice days.

j. The home team is expected to record the result of a KPL fixture on the KPL document.   If an AD is not able to do so, they should communicate the result to the KPAD supervising that sport. The 

k. Mixed Level Fixtures: When schools agree that in order to have a better/more even fixture they compete with different  levels of teams (for ex. Scheduling a JV team vs a Varsity team), the team that gives up the fixture receives a win and the opponent receives a loss.  Mixed level fixtures are still to be played in a competitive manner.

l. Canceled Fixture by One Opponent: If at the beginning of a season two schools have scheduled one or two fixtures with each other, but then due to circumstances one team cannot fulfill one (or both) of the fixtures, the fixture is counted as forfeit win for the team that was able to play.

m. Canceled Fixture by Both Opponents: When both teams simultaneously cannot play, for example due to weather, and they are not able to reschedule the lost match, there is no forfeit in effect.  When those teams then play only once that season, the result counts. 



2. Kanto Plain League Athletic Directors Annual Meeting 

KPADs meet throughout the year to do the following:

a. Fall pre-season/upcoming year overview

i. Select who will lead meetings (Chairman) and how agenda will be set

ii. Decide how minutes will be recorded and shared

iii. Select KPAD supervisors of each sport

iiii. Select the 3 ADs that will be part of the protest committee

b. Post season and preseason meeting

c. Schedule making for the next school year

                Minutes are shared with Principals and AD proposals for the attention of principals are highlighted


3. Kanto Plain League Scheduling Process

 At the fourth KPAD meeting, the sole agenda item is to make comprehensive KPL schedules for the following school year for all HS sports. Schedules should posted on the KPASS website.

a. Only AD’s  can make changes to schedules, not coaches

b. Have a balance of home and away contests 

c. Have a balanced distribution of prime home dates, Fridays and Saturdays 

d. Indicate when a contest is a non-league fixture.  All other fixtures will be considered as league 

e. Indicate day and date of all contests 

f. Home teams and venue indicated

g. Starting times indicated

h. League and Invitational Tournaments indicated

i. Be recorded in KPL standings

j. Any change of a scheduled game must be agreeable to both schools.  In the event of failure to agree, the president of KPASS has final authority.

k. Schools may schedule other non-league games at their convenience 

l. Schools may host or participate in Invitational Tournaments, including potential Far East Tournaments.

m. The decision to schedule additional games or to host or participate in Invitational Tournaments rests solely with the administration of each school.


  4. Determining League Champions, Final Standings and Seedings for Tournaments

 In any sport that determines a Kanto League Champion and/or has a season ending seeded Tournament Champion, the procedures for determining end of season tournament seedings and final standings (referred to as SS) are:

a. SS will be based on the pre-season determination/expectation of whether schools will play each league school once or twice during a season.

b. When the expectation is that only one fixture is to be played during a season, the outcome of that single fixture game will count toward SS.  

c. When the expectation is that two fixtures are to be played during a season the outcome of each separate fixture will count toward SS.  

d. In the spirit of being in the Kanto League, a school is expected to schedule every school in the league.

e. All league matches count toward the final league standings.

f. If a school does not schedule every team at least once, that school receives a forfeit and the school not scheduled receives credit for a win by forfeit.

g. The champion is determined by win percentage

h. Any team that withdraws from league competition shall forfeit all games played and all games to be played.


5.  Protests  

a. At the first KPAD meeting of the year, the KPAD nominate a committee of three ADs to serve as the protest committee for all sports during the year (KPAD-PC).

b. In the event a member school seeks a protest of a KPL league* fixture it will be made in writing via email, within 72 hours of the game.  The protest request: 

c. Must be made by the protesting schools AD and include the signature (email signature) of the coach and the principal (or the most available level of senior administration) of the protesting school.

d. Must be emailed to each AD in the KPAD-PC 

e. The procedure for resolving protests rests with the KPAD-PC .  The KPAD-PC’s decision will be final and binding.

f. Upon receiving protests, the KPAD-PC  through their own investigation, which may include communication with officials, coaches, KPAD’s and principals, will determine whether immediate action and decision is required, or if it is a matter to be settled at the next KPAD meeting.  A majority vote of the KPAD-PC will make such a determination.

g. If the KPAD-PC determines they cannot resolve a protest that requires an immediate decision, the matter will be forwarded to the President of KPASS Principals to make a decision or recommendation.

h. Protests based on the alleged ineligibility of a player may be made anytime at the contest provided they are made immediately upon discovery of the facts on which the protest are based. The KPASS constitution should be referred to to settle such a protest.

i. A school has the right to file a protest of a non-league fixture between KP schools, but only after the ADs of the two schools involved have attempted to solve this dispute.


6.  Kanto Plain League Tournaments

a. KPL Tournaments will include all KPL members who wish to participate, before non-members are invited. 

b. The host school should communicate (email) tournament invitations to participating school AD’s three weeks prior to the date of the tournament.  AD’s need to communicate back whether their school is participating or not. 

c. A KPL Tournament format recommendation will be communicated at KPAD meeting proceeding that season.

d. Awards for each tournament are set and indicated in the Rules for that sport.  The school hosting the tournament is responsible for acquiring these awards.

e. A tournament entry fee will be assessed to each school, one fee per team.  The entry fee will  include the following: 

i. Sharing the total cost of required officials 

ii. Awards specific to that tournament 

iii. An added Y 1,000 per school host support fee. 

f. All other logistics of organizing a tournament are the responsibility of the host school.  

g. Host school should send out tournament post survey to participating schools for input at end of the tournament

h. A perpetual tournament champions cup is presented  in these sports (the school in possession of the tournament cup is responsible to to bring it to the next season’s tournament):


HS Boys Cross Country

HS Girls Cross Country

HS Varsity and JV Boys Volleyball

Varsity Boys Soccer (winter season)

Field Hockey


HS Boys Track

HS Girls Track

JV Girls Tennis

JV Boys Tennis

JV Girls Volleyball

JV Boys Soccer (winter season)

JV Boys Basketball

JV Girls Basketball


7.  Awards

a. The KPASS will award a league championship patch to each letterman on the championship team.  These awards are for regular season competition, not league tournaments.

b. The KPASS will award All-Star patches in each sport as indicated by the guidelines of that sport.

c. The KPASS will award a championship banner to the first-time winner of the Kanto League and Kanto Tournament.

d. In case of a tie, teams involved will receive the number of patches for which they qualify.


All-Star Patches 

1st Place        -        4 patches for Volleyball & Basketball

                                5 patches for Soccer, Field Hockey, Baseball, Football & Softball    

2nd Place       -       3 patches        

3rd Place        -       2 patches        

4th & Below   -       1 patch

CC -= top 15 boys/ top 15 girls

Track = league finals champion

Tennis- singles semi / doubles finalist



 8.  Safety Concerns: 

Each school will submit an “Emergency Medical Procedures” sheet at the first KPASS principals’ meeting each school year.  This will outline procedures taken for injuries, the availability of ambulances, doctors and alternative medical facilities for non-military personnel when on military bases.  Maps of medical facility locations should be included.  Responsibilities and expectations of the home school personnel and the visiting school personnel should be clearly outlined.  The maintainer of the KPASS Constitution will compile these sheets, copy them and distribute them to the principals as soon after the first meeting as possible.


Section II: About

©2024 Kanto Plain Association for Secondary Schools.

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